Monday, 14 December 2009

Wikileaks has also published the BDO-report, commissioned by HEFCE, removed from the Freedom of Information Act site due to legal threats.

Released November 21, 2009

This document was removed from the UK Freedom of Information Act site, but was removed after legal threats (of libel) were made by the UK's London Metropolitan University:

According to the document, the London Met university fiddled their student figures to show a 3% dropout rate, in reality it was about 30%. The HIgher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) had an audit or their student records done (with public money), but individuals at LMU are threatening legal action if that report, which found them to be at fault, is made public.

There was a second FoI request (which is also suppressed) concerning conversations between LMU and HEFCE about what parts are actually considered defamatory.

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